Life Lesson: January 23

23 Jan


Read Matthew 6: 5-15 and Luke 11:2-4 Let God speak to your heart about His Will being done on earth.

Vs 1 Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me
Let there be peace on earth. The peace that was meant to be
With God as our Father, brothers all are we.
Let me walk with my brother, in perfect harmony

Vs 2 Let peace begin with me. Let this be the moment now.
With ev’ry step I take, let this be my solemn vow.
To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally.
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.

We so often speed through the Lord’s prayer without much consideration of the words. I am not sure how fast Jesus said these words, but I am certain he meant every word.

Notice that before anything else, Jesus praises the Father. This is not a matter of flattery, but a matter of fact. God is Father and God is Holy. Praising God first, puts us in the right frame of mind to seek God and His will in our life and in asking for our needs to be met.

Secondly, Jesus lifts his requests. He asks for substance, forgiveness, and righteousness. He is not looking ahead, but just considering today’s needs. He is not just concerned about just the physical needs, but takes into account, body, mind and soul.  God’s goodness does not have to be gathered in great amount, but He will provide for us each day. We can depend on him one day at a time. Jesus gave us this prayer as a model. It would do us well to use it each day and consider what we are asking for.

Pray and ask God to place someone on your mind. Send them the card you will make in creatives.

Pray the Lord’s Prayer with actions:
Our Father in heaven, (look up, and begin to reach up with both arms)
May Your name be honored.  (bow your head)
May Your Kingdom come soon. (bring one hand down, close to your body)
May your will be done here on earth (bring the other hand down and swing low, brushing hand over the ground)
Just as it is in Heaven. (swing arms back toward the sky & wave hands back and forth like tree branches)
Give us our food for today, (bring your arms down, with palms up)
And forgive us our sins (cross arms across your chest)
Just as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us. (put palms together)
And don’t let us yield to temptation, (push hands down and across body, left to right)
But deliver us from the evil one. (cross wrists, then break away, as if chains have been broken)
(make up your own movements for the last three lines)
For Yours is the kingdom,
And the power,
And the glory forever.

Open your Bible to the Psalms and read the first one you find. Read it two or three times. Pick the verse or verses that strike you and write them on a card. Make two copies. One to memorize this week and one to send to a person that God will show you.

Stick with fruits and vegetables today. Drink an extra three glasses of water.

Find 10 minutes to be still. Do nothing during this time. This is God’s time to renew you in mind, body and spirit.

Visit the local animal shelter today.

Make a list of your local, state and federal leaders. Pray for them. Send them a note of encouragement.

Find a style of cheese you have never eaten and try it. Share it with a friend.

World Prayer
Pray for those who do not know Jesus. Ask God if there is anyone He wants you to pray specifically for and if there is anyone you should speak to and share the Good News.

As you fall asleep, say The Lord’s Prayer. Say it over and over until you drift off.

From morning until night, God wants us to worship and commune with Him. Start your day in His Word and then weave throughout the day these elements of devotion, worship, contemplation and service to others.


CCLI Song # 93690. Jill Jackson | Sy Miller. © 1955. Renewed 1983 Jan – Lee Music, CCLI License # 283314T

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